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Painting Business How To Tips

Painting Business Tips, Tricks and strategies for running a successful painting business. Use and Profit from nearly two decades painting skills, business and consulting experience.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Just One Tip Can Make All The Difference - A Painting Contractor Lesson

I don't know about you but I am an information junkie... constantly learning and seeking knowledge. I guess that's why I enjoy what I do so much. I get to talk to painting contractors in the field on a weekly (nearly daily) basis and I learn something new from every conversation/email.

What prompted me to write this post today was a phone conversation I had with "Gary" right after he purchased our Painting for Profits program.

Gary, has been in business for 3.5 years and worked in the field for five years prior to that...

He told me that he has a pretty good handle on things but is always looking for any little tip or piece of advice that will help move him further down the track. (I feel the same way)

Not long ago I had a chance to fly down to Tennessee and consult with a really cool painting contractor named Buster, and as we were walking through one of his new construction projects he gave me a tip that continues to save me time and money...

Here is the tip Buster shared with me:

We were walking through the new construction project I noticed one of his employees spraying trim. It looked beautiful but all I could smell was latex paint.

So I asked Buster if that was what they use for trim paint in high end homes in Tennessee...?

He said no, they use oil but he found a shortcut that has saved him a lot of time and money.

Here is the process:

All wood doors, base trim and crown molding get one coat of primer... one top coat of latex (tinted the same color as the finish coat) and one finish top coat of oil.

You save days of dry time... and in a lot of cases you are able to top coat the same day!

I asked him about durability or customer complaints...

Buster said home owners love it because it is much more environmentally friendly and was just as durable.

Brilliant! Not only did I get paid for my consulting time with Buster, I got a tip that KEEPS making me money!

I hope this real world "from the field" insiders tip helps save you a lot of time put more money in your pocket!

Keep in mind that just one tip can make a huge impact in your business... Just one little tip can skyrocket your income or save you tons of money.

...And it's our hope that you get a lot of useful tips from this blog... The kind of tips that you can go out and apply and see real improvements in your business.

SIDE NOTE: If you haven't done so yet, go to the top of this blog and sing up for our free weekly "Painting Contractors Perspective" newsletter. You will also receive a copy of the special report "Cracking the Painting Business Success Code".

As always we are interested in hearing from you so leave a comment!


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